Lenten Opportunities
General Guide to Lent:
We are about in the middle of Lent. How are your Lenten preparations going? Here's a link that will take you to a document with some great information on what, why, how, etc. about Lent, and some great ideas and resources for prayer, sacrifice/fasting, and almsgiving. Enjoy!
(above photo from 2025 women's ACTS retreat)
Rekindling the Spirit of Stewardship
We had a great launch to Rekindling the Spirit of Stewardship. Suzan gave an inciting witness to stewardship, you can watch it below. We also had Tracy & John Gedris share their story a few weekends ago. Do you need a new copy of the stewardship form? Click HERE. #RekindlingtheSpirit
Please pray for Rekindling the Spirit of Stewardship in our parish.
Stewardship Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
Our parish is composed of people like me; we make it what it is.
It will be friendly; if I am.
Its pews will be filled; if I help fill them.
It will do great work; if I work.
It will make generous gifts to many causes; if I am a generous giver.
It will bring other people to worship and fellowship; if I invite them.
It will be a parish of loyalty and love, fearless faith, and noble spirit, if I; who help make it what it is, am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with your help, O God,
Help me to dedicate myself to growing our faith
By being all things that I want our parish to be.
School Scrip Cards
Purchase Gift Cards available through RaiseRight (https://www.raiseright.com/shop), our gift card provider, for Christmas shopping & gift giving!
It is time for the Christmas shopping season! Gift cards make great gifts and stocking stuffers. In addition, consider purchasing “gift cards” from SPPCS, to use in place of cash, checks or credit cards for purchases you make for the holidays! Cards are available in the school office, in the back of church after masses or use an order sheet from the scrip table (HERE). Order early to avoid delivery issues.
Thank you for supporting SPPCS!
The 7th graders at SPPCS started their own podcast this semester called, COOKIES & CATECHISM. It's available on most platforms and they've just published our 2nd episode. More to come! Click here to listen!
Sister Parish in Guatemala
Letter & Report from Father Tomasz Godlewski, Parish Priest of our Sister Parish in Peten
Our sister parish sent photos of the activities they've done so that we can see that our help gives them opportunities to hold meetings, train our volutneers and thus carry out pastoral care.
- Fr. Linus Umoren, C.M., Pastor
- Fr. Longenus Odum, C.M., Associate Pastor
- Deacon Tom Helfrich, Deacon
- Deacon David Miskell, Deacon
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday's 4:00 - 4:45 PM
Office Hours
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Daily Readings
Weekly reading

Readings for the week of March 23, 2025
- :
- Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15 / Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11 (8a) / 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 / Lk 13:1-9
- Scrutiny: Ex 17:3-7 / Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 (8) / Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 / Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42
- Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b / Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4 / Lk 4:24-30
- Tuesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10 / Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11 / Heb 10:4-10 / Lk 1:26-38
- Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9 / Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20 / Mt 5:17-19
- Thursday: Jer 7:23-28 / Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 / Lk 11:14-23
- Friday: Hos 14:2-10 / Ps 81:6c-8a, 8bc-9, 10-11ab, 14 and 17 / Mk 12:28-34